
We don't have a final agreement what should go in here - I think probably some latest content, news item , or most imminent event from the calendar. I will confirm with Karen soon.

Have your say

Autor: Subject: Comment:

head1 Content: Intro text & News item listing

We have some colour variants of the page: standard, blue, yellow, green, orange. The only change is in external CSS styles.

(Each of the Animator sites will be a campaign site that is based on a *single* issue. The Kenya site may be about FOSS, the Nigeria site about telecom regulation, the Ethiopia site about Freedom of Info, etc....)
This section ('The Issue') of the site, will be re-named with the name of the issue of their campaign. (So this name is another one which needs to be changeable via your new slice settings functionality)
Content: Intro text and documents - Item listing dynamically generated by ActionApps, grouped by category.

head 2 The Campaign

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31        

Again, this section name, may be re-named by the Animator if they have a special name for their campaign.
Content: full text of 4 pre-defined docs dynamically generated by ActionApps, a link to news stories, and a link to anonymously posted items (see below under 'Have your Say')

head 3 Campaign News

head 4 Content:

Item listing of documents with links to /local /fulltext

  • Messages of Support
    Content: Item listing of support messages - added by site authors and editors, not via a public form.
  • Press Coverage
    Content: Intro text and item listing of documents with /external /links to fulltext, dynamically generated by AA
  • Events
    Content: AA generated Calendar
  • Other Animators
    They'd like to have something like the drop-down menu of countries which you see at the bottom of the menu in, with each country in the menu linking to the other Animator sites (this could be driven by a constants group with all the animator countries listed).
  • APC Africa
    Content: link to the Africa Rights Site
table title
1 cell 2 cell 3 cell